Using the day analyzer in WorkdayTracker

The Day Analyzer in WorkdayTracker provides a detailed breakdown of an agent's productivity for any given day. It helps managers and clients quickly see how time was spent, when productivity was at its peak, and when activity slowed down.

This tool presents clear, visual insights without requiring you to sift through endless data logs. Instead, AI-driven reports make it easy to identify trends, review specific moments, and understand what contributes to productivity.


The Day Analyzer in WorkdayTracker provides a detailed breakdown of an agent's productivity for any given day. It helps managers and clients quickly see how time was spent, when productivity was at its peak, and when activity slowed down. This tool presents clear, visual insights without requiring you to sift through endless data logs. Instead, AI-driven reports make it easy to identify trends, review specific moments, and understand what contributes to productivity.

Understanding the Day Analyzer Dashboard

Daily Timeline

At the top of the Day Analyzer, you'll see a timeline that outlines the agent's entire workday. This timeline includes:

  • Scheduled work hours
  • When recording was active
  • Periods of keyboard and mouse activity
  • When the agent was idle
  • When the recorder was turned off

This visual timeline makes it easy to track engagement levels throughout the day.

Productivity Chart

Just below the timeline, the Productivity Chart shows fluctuations in work performance. Each data point represents a 30-minute AI-generated productivity score. Hovering over a point reveals:

  • The productivity score for that timeframe
  • A description of what influenced the score

This allows you to quickly pinpoint high-performance periods and areas that need improvement.

Screenshot Timeline

Further down, the screenshot timeline provides a visual record of an agent's work activity. Each screenshot is color-coded, making it easy to distinguish between different moments in the day.

Hovering over a screenshot gives you:

  • A thumbnail preview of the captured screen
  • A description of which windows were visible at that time

This feature helps managers verify work activity and ensure tasks align with company expectations.

Tasks and Windows in Focus

The Day Analyzer also tracks tasks that were enabled during recording. It shows which applications and windows were in focus, helping you understand how an agent was using their time.

Switching Between Days

You can move forward or backward through an agent's work history by selecting the previous or next day. If you need to jump to a specific date, simply use the built-in calendar tool.

Focusing on Specific Timeframes

If you want more detail about a specific moment in the day, click any focus bubble on the timeline. This will open a 30-minute breakdown, giving you:

  • A zoomed-in view of screenshots, tasks, and windows
  • A detailed AI-generated summary of what the agent was working on
  • Key takeaways about what contributed to their productivity or what slowed them down

You can adjust the focus by selecting a different focus bubble or using the quick navigation menu at the top to jump to another time period.

Reviewing Screenshots with the Multiscreen Video Player

For easier screenshot review, WorkdayTracker includes a multiscreen video player. This feature allows you to:

  • Play back screenshots in a video format
  • Quickly scrub through images to find specific moments
  • Get a seamless view of the agent's workflow throughout the day

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